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DBG海豚桌上遊戲網: 魔鎮驚魂 Arkham Horror (線上購買)

Overlord的秘密地城: Arkham Horror 簡介


Curiositie Shoppe珍品店


An elderly blind man is running his hand along shelves, searching for a mysterious object. If you help him, he will gratefully offer to purchase something else in the store for you. Search the Common Item deck for one free item of your choice and be Blessed. Or instead, you can take the mysterious object for yourself. Search the Unique Item deck for one item of your choice to purchase for list price.

On a high shelf is a puzzle box. You may spend $1 to purchase it and then pass a Lore (-1) check and consult the following chart to determine what's inside:


    0) Nothing
    1) Gain $3 and a Clue token
    2+) Draw a Spell and gain $5

高架上有一個益智方塊。你可以花$1購買並做Lore (-1)檢定,依照成功數決定內部是什麼:


    0) 沒東西
    1) 獲得$3與1個線索
    2+) 抽1個咒語並獲得$5

The shopkeeper eyes one of your possessions. "I have need of that object. Will you sell it to me?" You may sell any one of your Unique Items for twice its listed price.

You come across a blasphemous idol sitting innocently on a shelf. Lose 1 Sanity.



Earn $5 for a story.

The staff of the Advertiser are uncharacteristically closemouthed. As you leave, you find yourself surrounded by sallow-skinned ruffians. Make a Fight (-1) check and lose 3 Stamina. This loss is reduced by 1 for every success (minimum 0).
廣告工作人員不尋常的沉默。當你離開時,你發現自己被群皮膚蠟黃的暴徒包圍。做Fight (-1)檢定並喪失3點體力。每成功1個便減少喪失1點體力。

While going through the archives, you find a yellowed collection of Innsmouth  Courier newspapers. Gain 1 Clue token.
經過檔案室時,你發現一份泛黃的Innsmouth Courier報紙。獲得1個線索。

You spin a yarn to a group of assembled reporters. Make a Will (-1) check to see how many of them believe you. Gain $1 per success.
你編了個故事給一群聚集的記者。做Will (-1)檢定來瞭解他們有多信任你。每成功1個便獲得$1。


Train Station火車站

"Hey, buddy, you forgot your bag!" You didn't, but before you can object, the man is gone. You open the bag and find a Common Item inside.

Bill Washington moves the last of the baggage from his cart onto a truck and offers you a ride as he opens the driver's door. If you accept, move to any location or street area in Arkham. If you move to a location, immediately have an encounter  there.
Bill Washington從他的手推車移動最後一批行李到卡車上,並打開駕駛座的車門,願意載你一程。如果你同意,移動到任意地點。如果你移動到地點,馬上發生遭遇。

The train that just pulled into the station doesn't look like it's from around here. Make a Sneak (-1) check to lurk in the shadows. If you pass, you hide from the robed figures that get off the train and gain a Unique Item they left behind. If you fail, you are discovered. Move to the street.
火車剛剛駛進車站,它不像是來自這附近的區域。做Sneak (-1)檢定來躲藏在陰影中。如果通過,你躲過一群穿長袍離開火車的人並獲得他們留下的1個獨特道具。如果失敗,你被發現,移動到街上。

You realize too late that the train you boarded is empty. Draw the top gate marker and travel to that Other World and replace the gate marker on top of the gate marker pile.

    創作者 晴天人形 的頭像

    密室少女 ~The Girl in Chamber~

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